Our heartfelt thanks to all the saints who helped make the 83rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester a joyful, exciting event, including Trinity Episcopal Church in Greece, our host; the many volunteers from Trinity and other parishes who gave of their time so freely; all who helped in worship, including the Rev. Winnie Varghese, our preacher, and Laurie Barrett Phillips of Holy Cloaks, who made special stoles and banners for the event; elected and appointed members of leadership who work tirelessly throughout the year to bring sound, faithful fiscal policy and thought-provoking resolutions to Convention; delegates who make the journey to Convention to speak for their parish; youth who came to speak passionately about Christ and transformation in our churches; officers of the Diocese, including Convention Secretary Susan Woodhouse; and Convention Planning Committee Co-Chairs the Very Rev. Debs Duguid-May (far left) and Hazeldene Hercules (far right), who helped all of the moving parts of Convention come together with grace. God bless all of you!