Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Christians in the bond of community seeking to serve the world in the love of God

Open Clergy Positions


Transitions in the Diocese of Rochester

The Diocese of Rochester welcomes you! Our Diocese has parishes in a variety of settings and contexts. The Diocese has 51 parishes and missions, and a wide array of ministries. The geography of our Diocese is gorgeous: we benefit from the Finger Lakes, Lake Ontario, and gorgeous natural areas. Additionally, Monroe County and the city of Rochester boast a wealth of educational, cultural, sporting and lifestyle opportunities. See these links for more information on the region:

  Finger Lakes Region, NY Official Guide

 Living Here | What's It Like Moving to Rochester, NY? | GRE


For additional information about the Diocese, or any of our opportunities, please contact:

The Rev. Virginia Tyler Smith, Director of Ministry




Parishes accepting names:


Parishes in Self-Study