Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Christians in the bond of community seeking to serve the world in the love of God

You're invited! June 30

Dear friends,

The Racial Reconciliation, Healing, and Justice Committee has invited you to read the book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Pulitzer Prize winning author Isabel Wilkerson.  You're invited to a third book study and discussion. 


“Many people may rightly say, “I had nothing to do with how this all started. I have nothing to do with the sins of the past. My ancestors never attacked indigenous people, never owned slaves.” ― Isabel Wilkerson, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

"Wilkerson’s book is about how brutal misperceptions about race have disfigured the American experiment." 
-Dwight Garner, New York Times

Isabel Wilkerson is also the author the critically acclaimed New York Times bestseller The Warmth of Other Suns.

Join Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, June 30, 6-7:30pm


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We hope you will join us, even if you haven't finished reading the book!