Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Christians in the bond of community seeking to serve the world in the love of God

Funding Overview


February 21, 2025
Diocesan Council is in the process of reworking the grant process for all grants. There will be a new application and different granting amounts based on the type of grant the parish is applying for. We are hoping to have all the details worked out in the next couple of months with the new grant application opening in May. We are working on a letter that is going to go out to all parish leaders and clergy ASAP that explains the work that is being done and what they can expect. 

Diocesan Council acted to clarify our mission and align our resources, roles, and objectives with the vision and mission of the diocese.  As a result, two subcommittees were established to focus on funding diocesan grants in support of Congregational Development, and Mission. These two committees have intentionally focused on the stewardship of our resources to support our Vision; “Joy in Christ, a way of life” and Mission; “Grow and develop congregations spiritually, numerically, and in missional leadership”. 

Diocesan Council has allocated a substantial portion of the Diocesan budget towards mission grants and congregational development grants - Mission is a vital expression of our baptismal covenant. Proclaiming the gospel through action takes many varied forms. Therefore, opportunities for funding have been made available. 

If you're looking for help with spiritual, numerical or missional growth, consider some of the options below.

Mission Grants

Parish Mission Grants: Parish Mission Grants are awarded for one-time mission project or ongoing mission. The goal is to fund mission that enhances the vitality of the congregation while addressing the vision and mission of the Diocese. Partnership Mission Grants: Partnership Mission Grants are awarded to Non-profit organizations [separate 501(c)3 designation] that are distinct from the Episcopal Diocese and the parishes. Partnership Mission Grants are for projects/missions operating within the geographical boundaries of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester. Mission grants also include District Mission Grants, Sustainable Development Grants, and Sustainable Development Goals Grants.


Congregational Development Grants

Congregational Development is the work of the Diocese to support the growth of congregations as they seek to discover and embrace their unique ministry. The purpose of these grants is to encourage congregational strength and vitality using the funds allocated for this purpose in the Diocesan budget.




The Prichard Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to assist clergy children of the Diocese with expenses associated with higher education. The scholarship fund will also serve to keep communication with young people of the Diocese as they attend college or university.


Sibley Loans

The Diocese offers Sibley loans for major repairs & capital improvements to our churches and rectories, dependent upon Diocesan funding capacity. Loans are up to $50,000, at a fixed interest rate, for terms of up to 10 years - depending on parish resources, plans & ability to repay the loan.



District Grants

Each of the (5) Districts receives $5000 annually for distribution to mission work within the district.