Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Christians in the bond of community seeking to serve the world in the love of God

Letter from Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe on the passing of the Rev. Fran Toy

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Letter from Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe on the passing of the Rev. Fran Toy


The Rev. Fran Toy, St. John’s, Oakland, August 2024. Photo credit: Emma Marie Chiang


Dear People of God in The Episcopal Church:

In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, I am writing to share the sad news that the Rev. Fran Toy, the first Asian American woman to be ordained an Episcopal priest, died at her home in Oakland, California, on Dec. 28 at the age of 90.

The Rev. Toy grew up in Oakland’s Chinatown and graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. She taught elementary school in Oakland for 18 years and was an active lay leader at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, a predominantly Chinese American congregation in Oakland. In 1974, she became the parish’s first female senior warden.

After being called to ordained ministry, she graduated from Church Divinity School of the Pacific in 1984 and was ordained to the priesthood the following year. Several years later, she became the first female clergy deputy from the Episcopal Diocese of California when she served at the 1988 General Convention. 

During her long career, the Rev. Toy was a fierce advocate for justice and inclusion and a stalwart friend and mentor to other Asian American female clergy. Bishop Diana Akiyama, our church’s first Asian American female bishop, writes, “She was a key advocate for me when I was a seminarian at CDSP and continued to support and encourage me as well as other Asian American women who entered discernment for the priesthood. She will be remembered for her tenacity and wonderful sense of humor as a priest and mentor in this church.”

I give thanks for the life of this trailblazing woman and for her ministry that brought our church closer to becoming the Beloved Community. Please join me in praying for Fran’s family, for the people of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Oakland, where she served as priest associate for many years, and for all who loved and admired her.



 Presiding Bishop Sean W. Rowe



Amanda Skofstad
Public Affairs Officer, The Episcopal Church

