Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Christians in the bond of community seeking to serve the world in the love of God

2025 Nomination Form

Before you begin

Review Nominations information on the Convention 94 page

Please be sure that you have the following information:

  • Nominators email address
  • A high-resolution picture of yourself to email
  • A pre-written bio to cut and paste into the form

Please choose an Elective Office 

Nominee Information

If not listed, please enter your affiliation in the box below.

Nominee Address

Nominator Information

If not listed, please enter your affiliation in the box below.


Please be sure to contact your nominator and have them confirm your nomination by sending an email to the Rev. Keisha Stokes, Secretary to Convention at conventionsecretary@episcopaldioceseofrochester.org


Canon 3, Sec. 4(b): Clerical or lay delegates entitled to seats and votes in a forthcoming annual Convention and vestries of parishes and executive committees of missions may file nominations for the offices to be filled at said Convention prior to the assembling thereof.  All such nominations shall be placed in writing and signed by either a clerical or lay delegate; shall be accompanied by information as to residence, parish, and ecclesiastical status of each nominee; and shall be delivered into the hands of the Nominating Committee at least two months before the opening of the Convention; and the Nominating Committee shall then circulate the same among the parishes.  Nominations, stating the information required above, may also be made from the floor of the Convention.